Edisto River


It seems there is precious little room for compromise in the looming battle over South Carolina’s most precious and vital natural resource: water.


"Five Minutes" is an ongoing series of podcasts featuring a variety of voices and perspectives on issues affecting the Edisto River and its watershed.


Here is a graph to explain how the "safe yield" calculation of our SC water withdrawal regulation poses a threat to our rivers.


SC Water Resources Conference: Video of "Day 2 Plenary Q&A Session is well worth watching. Important ideas are presented about water policy and planning priorities from SC conservation leaders. The other video of Plenary Sessions of the Conference are informative as well.

Embedded thumbnail for FRED Annual Meeting 2014

The FRED Fall Membership Celebration is held each fall, and for the past several years the City of Orangeburg has provided an idyllic location on the banks of the North Fork of the Edisto. The Fall Membership Celebration provides an opportunity to reflect on the year that has passed, and to look ahead to the coming year's challenges and opportunities. Awards are presented, a keynote speaker is invited, and there is food, fun, entertainment, and various educational and outreach opportunities.


Apr 24, 2014 -- Nice editorial in the Post & Courier from Norman Brunswig of Audubon South Carolina ...  "Save the endangered Edisto River while we still can"

Brunswig says, "The only thing small about these [water] issues is the amount of water in the beautiful, little Edisto, and how very little extra it has to donate to non-ecological functions, particularly at its lowest flows. In drought years, the very ones during which the irrigators will want it most, the Edisto all but dries up. Without water, there is no Edisto River."


Friends of the Edisto Newsletter of Apr 29, 2014 -- features:

- WHERE WE STAND: Protecting Our Edisto April 29, 2014 (text presented below)

- Stewardship Day - Edisto River Cleanup set for May 10, 2014 at Colleton State Park

- 2013 River Journey: Chapter 4 by Alan Mehrzad

Friends of the Edisto Newsletter


Below is the press release from American Rivers:


Washington, D.C.- American Rivers named the South Fork Edisto River among America’s Most Endangered Rivers® of 2014 (on April 8, 2014), shining a national spotlight on excessive withdrawals that take too much water out of the river, threatening river health and downstream water users.


South Carolina State Representative James Smith, a strong environmental leader in the state House of Representatives and a FRED Board member, introduced two very important pieces of legislation in the House last week.


You have followed FRED’s efforts to respond to the massive water withdrawal from the South Fork Edisto River by the Walther Farms Company.

Now SCDHEC has set a public meeting on this issue for TUESDAY, JANUARY 7th, 2014, AT 6:30 p.m. AT THE AIKEN ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE OFFICE AT 2790 WAGENER ROAD IN AIKEN.

I want to urge everyone who can come to attend this public meeting. This is one chance to demonstrate to SCDHEC the depth of public opposition to this incredibly wrong-minded action.